Chad Walker, Ph.D.

Research - Teaching - Impact

Academic services and outreach

Institutional Facilitator (University of Waterloo), Climate Connect International Program. Online. October 2021 to March 2022. 
 Expert Reviewer, National Science Foundation (US), Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences Program. 
 Topic Editor, Human Geography and Social Sustainability, Sustainability. 
 Expert Reviewer, First Order Draft of the Working Group III Contribution to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). 
 Commenter, Contracts for Difference (CfD): proposed amendments to the scheme 2020. UK Government. May 2020. 
 Lead author, “A Call for a Climate Emergency Declaration (and Action): Public Deposition at St. Thomas City Council”. St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada. February 2020. [Motion passed/Climate emergency declared
 Organizer and Facilitator, “User Engagement in Smart Local Energy Systems: A Workshop with Project Stakeholders”. Oxford, UK. December 2019. 
 Scientific Reviewer (invited), Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, The University of Guelph. March 2019. 
 Participant, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Workshop on Sustainability. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. November 2018. 
 Book chapter reviewer. Intellectual, Scientific and Educational Influences in Sustainability Research. October 2018. 
 Organizer and Presenter, “Communities Around Renewable Energy Projects Workshop”. London, Ontario, Canada. August 2017. 
 Participant, Wind Turbines and Concerned Citizens Meeting. Huron County, Ontario, Canada. August 2017.  
Organizer and Presenter, “Toolkit for Turbines Workshop”, a public workshop and webinar sharing research findings. London, Ontario, Canada. December 2016.  
Social Committee Chair. GeoGrad Society (Geography (graduate) student government). Western University.  2011-2014. 
 Invited Speaker (with Jamie Baxter), “Communities and Wind Turbines in Ontario”. Strathroy Rotary Club. Strathroy, Ontario. 2013. 
 President, GeoGrad Society. Western University. 2013. 
 Graduate Affairs Representative – Department of Geography. Western University 2011-2012.